I don’t know about you, but my social media, news, and text feeds are all things coronavirus, all the time. I’m not discounting the seriousness of the situation, but now that my pantry is stocked and we’re in full-on social distancing mode, it’s all getting a little heavy for me.
My family is adjusting to our new routine too; my daughter’s preschool has been canceled for a month, my husband is working from home, and our childcare is socially distancing. We are very quickly learning how to juggle a different set of balls than normal around here!
I need a breath of fresh air and brightness in my day, literally and figuratively. (Buffalo, New York weather is NOT helping with the literal part…)
One thing that always makes my Enneagram 3 heart happy? ROUTINES.
I know many of you may be working from home consistently for the first time and are worried it will be a downward spiral from mid-morning snacks to Price is Right on TV to afternoon naps on the couch and beyond!
I’ve been at the work-from-home game for nearly a decade so I thought I’d share some of the tips that keep me sane AND productive.
- Set a schedule. I wake up at least an hour before I want to start work, get dressed and ready (no jammies all day around here), make my hot lemon water, and sit down to my computer wide awake and ready to go. The time of day is less important than the routine itself, so if you need to homeschool your kiddos in the morning and work in the afternoon, that’s great too. I love blocking off chunks of time for different things: family time, work time, etc.
- Create a home office space. What if you don’t have a home office and your space is overrun with kids and animals? No worries. Set up a space where your space is your own for the day – even if it’s the dining room table. Clear the clutter, set up your computer, phone, and notebook and boom! Instant home office. Tidy the space at the end of the day so you walk in with a fresh, clean head in the morning.
- Incorporate fresh air. As an introvert, I could hole myself up in my office all day, every day and never miss human contact. But introvert or extrovert, we all need movement to stay motivated and focused. Step outside and take a walk as often as you can!
- Add mindfulness into your routine. While I try and meditate and/or journal on a regular basis, it is the first thing to go by the wayside when life gets hectic. I’ve quickly realized that in these chaotic times, it’s the first thing I need. My neck and back have been yelling at me for a week to take a deep breath and slow down, so I spend a few minutes in the quiet each morning before the day begins.
Happy working from home! How do you stay focused when out of your regular routine? How can I help you during this time?