Nonprofit Leaders

Grow your impact. Grow your income. Change the world.

Join Master Your Nonprofit Numbers® to better understand and use your numbers to make smart decisions for your nonprofit’s impact and sustainability!

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Hey Nonprofit All-the-Hats-Wearer!

Does this sound familiar?

Here's the thing

Understanding and using your numbers to grow your impact doesn’t have to be hard.

You don’t have to be a “numbers person”. You don’t need hours every week dedicated to spreadsheets. You don’t have to be an Excel whiz or super organized or Type A. You don’t need a huge nonprofit to start thinking about your numbers.

It’s not too late.


The worst part is:

Not understanding your finances is not just costing you time spent agonizing over your spreadsheets, but it could be costing you money and impact too.

Making the wrong investments, not maximizing your ROI on what you’re currently doing, hiring the wrong people. The list goes on.

You may have a bookkeeper and think that’s enough when it comes to your nonprofit finances. Here's why its not enough:


What’s Inside:

Our signature framework 

Our signature framework focused on the key elements of nonprofit financial management

Audio and video lessons

Plus the exact templates you need to take quick action

Lifetime access

Access to the course material never expires


Get a course completion certificate and LinkedIn badge to showcase (and show off!) your new expertise

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Check out the full syllabus here

Bonus! Get a course completion certificate and LinkedIn badge to showcase (and show off!) your new expertise

Managing your nonprofit’s finances is more than just glancing at your income statement each month.

Master Your Nonprofit Numbers® gives you the resources you need to grow your organization and maximize your mission and impact.

Our Students are Amazing

Hear what they have to say about Master Your Nonprofit Numbers®

Gain clarity and confidence in your nonprofit’s numbers. Use your fundraised dollars more effectively. Set your nonprofit up for long-term sustainability and impact.

Nonprofits who have a strong financial foundation, including recurring revenue, a substantial cash reserve, and a team with the knowledge and capacity to execute the work are the ones who will continue to thrive and create the change that we’re all here to create.

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Meet your Teacher

If we don’t know each other yet, I’m Stephanie Skryzowski, a visionary Chief Financial Officer that has been helping leaders get clear on their numbers so they grow their nonprofits to massive heights for well over a decade.

I’m the Founder and CEO of 100 Degrees Consulting which provides CFO strategy and bookkeeping services to nonprofits around the world in many different impact areas.

We speak numbers. But we also speak nonprofit and building a sustainable organization, so we try to make everything we teach approachable and actionable, especially if you aren’t a numbers person.

I’m obsessed with goals (Enneagram 3 here!). Setting them, achieving them, and celebrating with you when YOU achieve them too.

I am SO passionate about using your numbers as a tool to bring your big vision to life. I believe that knowing how to make smart decisions so you can more effectively manage and use the money you raise will help you deepen your impact on the world.

You could choose to hire a CFO for your organization, but a CFO will run you $2,000 a month or more.

It’s the right investment for many leaders, but you may not be ready for that level of investment yet or it may not be exactly what you need. You’re spinning your wheels now though, desperate for insight into your numbers.

This is exactly why we’ve created Master Your Nonprofit Numbers®!
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What’s my investment here?

Get a handle on your finances once and for all!

It's time to master your nonprofit numbers

We want you to grow your nonprofit and its impact. Master Your Nonprofit Numbers® will help you build a financially sustainable organization that will be around for the long haul.

As soon as you enroll, you get access to all of our course materials and templates inside the program so you can get started right away. It is completely self-paced , so set your own schedule and complete the lessons when you’re ready.

We completely believe in our program (and our students can vouch for us), but if you’re unhappy for whatever reason, just email us at for support.



When does the course start and finish?

Unlike those pesky grant applications with super quick turnarounds, you have access to the course indefinitely! You can jump into any lesson and go completely at your own pace.

Do you guarantee results?

While we can’t guarantee any particular results, a Guidestar study shows transparent organizations received 53% more in contributions. So if you learn how to better understand and share your financials with your stakeholders, you will be building trust with your donors, leading to more donations and greater impact. So many wins! That being said, we would never want you to be unhappy! I believe this program is incredibly valuable but if you go through all of the course materials within 30 days of purchase and are unsatisfied, we will refund 100% of your purchase.

How are the materials presented? I don’t like [videos], [reading], [etc].

No worries, friend. The program includes videos, a full audio feed (like a podcast), transcripts, worksheets, and templates. There’s something for every style of learning.

Is this right for me? I’m a [Development Director], [Program Associate], [Executive Director].

If you’re a nonprofit professional, then this course is absolutely right for you. It’s vitally important for everyone in your organization to understand the financials to help us be more impactful and more sustainable, so no matter your position at your nonprofit, this is for you.

Will these strategies will work for my super unique nonprofit?

Most 501(c)(3) organizations are subject to the same standards, so I know that our templates and lessons will be able to help. No matter your niche, your nonprofit needs financial sustainability to make an impact for the long haul, so I’m confident we can help.

Can't I just find this information on Google?

Maybe, but I suggest not making the mistake of spending all your time searching then customizing what you find, when I’ve already compiled everything for you right here.

What makes Master Your Nonprofit Numbers® different from other professional development you’ve done?

There are plenty of courses and conferences out there to teach you the latest fundraising tactics, time management hacks, and board development skills, all of which are important.

But building a financially healthy organization is essential to creating a lasting impact.

You need to set revenue, profit, and cash goals AND create a month-by-month plan to make it happen.

It can be easy to get swept away by lofty fundraising achievements. This organization landed a multimillion dollar donation! That organization secured multi-year unrestricted funding! But those awards and that money will disappear faster than you can say nonprofit without a financial roadmap, consistent monthly routine, and the skills to manage it well.

That’s why this program is designed to give you the knowledge you need to be an excellent steward of your resources.

Let me promise you — if you follow my guidance in this program, your entire nonprofit WILL change. That’s a powerful statement that I confidently stand behind. Now let’s make this happen!