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Do you want to ensure your nonprofit is financially sustainable? Do you want to have a greater impact on those you serve?
A recent study shows that transparent organizations received 53% more in contributions.
What would 53% more contributions mean for your organization?
Nonprofits that are transparent with both their programmatic and financial information are building greater trust with their donors, resulting in long-term engagement and impact.
But you may be wondering how in the world to be more transparent with your financials when you can barely understand a P&L, or are strapped for time and can’t imagine yet another project added to your plate.
That’s where I come in!
Hi, I'm Stephanie
The Visionary Chief Financial Officer
I’m a CFO for nonprofits. I love sharing with nonprofit leaders all about how to better understand, use, and communicate your financials to your donors and other stakeholders.
The first step is building a strong financial foundation with your monthly finance routine. Grab the Finance Routine Checklist to ensure you’re on top of your numbers!
Need more help with your nonprofit numbers? Check out:Master Your Nonprofit Numbers® – An online course in financial management for nonprofit leaders.
Every single week, leaders tell me, “ I don’t know what I don’t know,” and, “I don’t know how my organization is doing because I don’t feel like I know my numbers,” and, “I literally lay awake at night worrying about cash flow.” Sound familiar?
Check out our online course to learn the critical elements of financial management: budgeting, cash flow forecasting, audit, compliance, financial reporting, strategic planning, and more.
The course is for CEOs, Executive Directors, Program leaders, and Development staff (in other words, non-finance people), so rest assured this program is for YOU. (No technical accounting lingo included!)
This course is for you if:
- You lay awake at night worried about cash flow
- You don’t know if/when/how to file your 990
- Your organization doesn’t have a budget or financial dashboard
- You don’t have a roadmap for achieving your goals this year
This course is not for you if:
- You’re an experienced CFO who can prepare 990s in your sleep
- You have an effective forecasting mechanism and confidently project a year out
- You nail your audit every year with nary a management letter comment in sight
This course was designed specifically for you to help you better understand, use, and communicate your financials to grow your organization and your impact.
Let's do this!
Grow your nonprofit, strengthen your systems, and supercharge your impact!
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