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Are you ready to ensure your nonprofit is financially stable? Do you want to learn how to leverage your financials to optimize year-end fundraising campaigns? 

Ready to optimize your nonprofit's year-end fundraising campaigns?

Financial health, sustainability, and storytelling are about more than just how much cash you have in the bank. It can be confusing to know which numbers mean what and how to use those numbers as a tool for your year-end fundraising campaigns, so I’ve created the Financial Health Checkup and Leveraging Your Financials presentation slides for you! The Financial Health Checkup will walk you through five important financial metrics that will give you a crystal clear picture of how your organization stacks up and the presentation slides will walk you through how to leverage your financials to optimize year-end fundraising campaigns.


Meet our founder

Hi, I'm Stephanie

I’m a visionary Chief Financial Officer for nonprofits. I love sharing with nonprofit leaders how to better understand, use, and communicate your financials to your donors and other stakeholders because I know that when organizations are transparent about their numbers, they raise more money.

Grab the Financial Health Checkup and Leverage Your Financials presentation slides to optimize your year-end fundraising campaigns using your numbers today!

Hi, I'm Stephanie

I’m a visionary Chief Financial Officer for nonprofits. I love sharing with nonprofit leaders how to better understand, use, and communicate your financials to your donors and other stakeholders because I know that when organizations are transparent about their numbers, they raise more money.

Grab the Financial Health Checkup and Leverage Your Financials presentation slides to optimize your year-end fundraising campaigns using your numbers today!


Need more help with your nonprofit numbers? Check out:Master Your Nonprofit Numbers – an online course in financial management for nonprofit leaders.

Every single week, leaders tell me, “ I don’t know what I don’t know,” and, “I don’t know how my organization is doing because I don’t feel like I know my numbers,” and, “I literally lay awake at night worrying about cash flow.” Sound familiar?

We have developed a self-paced, online course that covers the critical elements of financial management: budgeting, cash flow forecasting, audit, compliance, financial reporting, strategic planning, and more. 

The course is geared towards CEOs and Executive Directors (in other words, non-finance people), so you don’t have to worry about learning a bunch of technical accounting stuff. 

Wondering if this course is for you?

This course is for you if:

This course is not for you if:

This course was designed specifically for you so you can better understand, use, and communicate your financials to grow your organization and your impact.


Grab the Financial Health Checkup and Leverage Your Financials slides to start optimizing your year-end fundraising campaigns today!

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