My Second Grade Failure


When I was in second grade, I memorized all fifty states, in alphabetical order in a day, thanks to the catchy song, Fifty Nifty United States. #iykyk

Because I was an 8-year-old overachiever, I boasted to my teacher that I would also memorize all (at that time) 41 presidents in order and that I would recite them to her the next day, giving me roughly 18 hours to accomplish my self-imposed challenge.

That night at home, I repeated: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison all the way through William Henry Harrison over and over again. But it was there that I got stuck. For the life of me, I could not make it past the 9th president of the United States.

I broke down in hysterical tears. 

“BUT I PROMISED HER!”, I wailed to my mom. “I HAVE TO DO IT! What if I can’t recite all 41 presidents?!”

To be honest, I can’t remember my mom’s reaction but I imagine it was something along the lines of telling me that it would all be just fine and wondering to herself what in the world was wrong with me. 🤣

The next day I went to school and not a single person mentioned my President Memorization Failure of 1992. In other words, I put a giant ridiculous goal out there, failed a bit, and nothing bad happened.

Fast forward a few decades, and a few weeks ago, I emailed YOU all that I’m writing a book and feeling a little bit imposter-y about the whole thing. There was the classic vulnerability hangover after I hit send, coupled with the OMG NOW I HAVE TO DO THIS pressure. 

A few hours later, I opened a reply to that very email that said:

“It’s a big undertaking, but you can do it. Probably with your eyes closed while playing hide and seek with your daughters.”

I blinked back years of gratitude for this amazing soul, a person I’ve connected with here and there over the years who typed three paragraphs of pure encouragement and warmth to push me further in the direction of this dream.

Her words wrapped me in a warm hug and sent a virtual high-five to go live out my mission.

It is powerful when you share your big dreams and goals with the world.

 Maybe the goal doesn’t turn out exactly as planned (aka my Presidential Debacle) but more than likely you have an army of cheerleaders behind you, rooting for you to win! And you never know who will have the resources to support you with exactly what you need.

Got a fundraising goal? Share it loud and proud! Looking for a specific type of expert to help you with a project? Yell it from the rooftop!

Tell me, friend. What big dream or goal are you working on right now?

PS – Looking to build a strong revenue model and develop sustainable forecasting strategies for your organization? Grab the Cash Flow Template to make forecasting a consistent part of your financial management, build a solid cash reserve, and ensure your organization’s sustainability! 
