Is mid-year goal planning irrelevant?


As we come up on the halfway mark of this year, the past 180 days have probably looked wildly different than you would’ve thought back on January 1st.

Routines, priorities, and even entire business models have shifted, but to answer the question, Is mid year goal planning irrelevant? I say no.

Mid-year goal planning is now more important than ever. 2020 may feel like a total wash but there’s still plenty of opportunity to make an impact on the world. NOW is the perfect time to incorporate all of these challenging lessons we’ve learned in the last six months into your life and business plans.

And I don’t mean just making a bucket list of things to check off. I mean reassessing what’s important to you and building it into your budget and cash flow projections.


Want to incorporate diversity, equity, and anti-racism education into your business? Add it to the budget!

Want to bring a new team member onboard so you can have more precious time with your family? Add it to the budget!

Remember that your budget must align with your plan.

So as you begin to shape the next six months and create new priorities, make sure to include the resources that will help you get this done, otherwise it. won’t. happen.

PS – Did you see that the PPP forgiveness parameters have changed? Check out our post to see how you may be affected (for the better!)
