No more “regularly scheduled programming”

Hello, friends.

The first, and most important thing I must share with you all, this amazing community of purpose-driven leaders around the world, is that we stand unequivocally as allies of #blacklivesmatter and the anti-racist movement. To the people of color in our community, we see you, we hear you, we love you, and we support you.

Before the horrific murder of George Floyd last week, as states began opening up after COVID-19, I had been thinking about “reguarly scheduled programming”. You know, going back to “normal” life after being quarantined for three months under a global pandemic. I had thought about what things might actually change, what lessons we’ve learned, what priorities have shifted.

And now, after another murder of an innocent Black man followed by a national movement against systemic racism, I believe there is no more “regularly scheduled programming”.

We are at a crossroads in our country’s history right now.

We could sit back and quietly watch it all go down, afraid of saying the wrong thing or messing up our “regularly scheduled programming”, or we could be on the side of change.

I choose change.

I choose to use my voice, this business, and my privilege to create change.

I’ve spent the week learning, listening, and taking action – and plan to continue. A couple resources I’ve found very helpful are:

  1. The Anti-Racism Daily email. Sign up here and THEN. TAKE. ACTION.
  2. Anti-Racism for Beginners. A great compilation of resources created by BIPOC educators and activists.

100 Degrees Consulting was founded on a mission to support nonprofits and purpose-driven businesses who are creating positive change in their communities, and staying true to this mission is more important than ever. Fighting against systemic racism is ongoing work and we are committed to making changes and improving not just now, but always.

PS – We are investing in both underserved communities and BIPOC leaders by offering scholarships to our course in nonprofit financial management, Master Your Nonprofit Numbers. Please comment below for more info.
