Not sure what to do right now?

How are you doing this week? No really, how are you?

Tired. Nervous. Relaxed. Bored. Anxious. Energized. Content. All of the above?

There’s no right answer, of course, but I wanted to talk to you about your mindset during this challenging time and give you three different approaches that are really helping me.

  1. Forward-thinking. We don’t know when this will be over, but we do know that it will be over. I saw someone post on Instagram the other day that we are one day closer to the end of quarantine and the end of the virus, and I love that mindset. It’s been helping me to think about where my business is going once life returns to normal! If you feel stuck and antsy right now, it’s a great time to plan.
  2. Innovation. I don’t know about you, but it’s sometimes hard for me to get into the flow of creativity. I need a lot of white space in my calendar where I’m not inundated with tasks in order to think big. And hey! You might just have some newfound white space in your calendar right now (okay, if you’re a parent, you probably have less free time right now, but hear me out). Think about: how to double-down on your most profitable revenue stream and serve your people in a new way. If you feel bored and worried right now, it’s a great time to innovate.
  3. Gratitude. When I feel overwhelmed and don’t have the brain capacity to think past what I’m eating for dinner tonight, I come into a place of gratitude. Each day I think of (at least!) one good thing that made me happy or that I’m grateful for. When we’re trapped in our homes with only the depressing news to entertain us, it can feel like everything is terrible. Taking five seconds to think about (or write down!) something you’re grateful for immediately puts you in better brain space. If you feel overwhelmed and anxious right now, it’s a great time for gratitude.

What I’m saying is that there’s no right or wrong way to feel or act right now. At different times, we’ll feel different ways, and we can implement different mindsets to help us through.

I know this is a bit outside of my normal finance topics but pretty much everything is outside of normal right now, and I want to support you. Reply back with whichever mindset is resonating most with you right now.

I hope you are well.

PS – If you need practical support right now, please check out our Contingency Plan Template. I updated it over the last week with some considerations and action items to think through as you’re looking at your numbers right now to set yourself to be as healthy as possible during this time.
