Be a better leader in 20 minutes a day

As a purpose-driven leader, you care for others all day long. Between ensuring your team is thriving, to serving your clients, customers, and community, you likely spend most of your days selflessly looking out for others. That’s part of the reason I love you all!

But this month I want to talk about leadership self-care.

This type of self-care is not a glass of red in the bathtub or a massage, which is good because I can’t help but roll my eyes when someone tells me to go get a massage when I’m stressed. It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg.

Leadership self-care includes practical actions you can achieve to take care of yourself as a leader and ensure you’re operating at the highest level. Because, let’s face it, no one can look out for us as well as we can.

The most important thing I’ve done for my sanity, inner peace, and leadership ability is to establish a morning and afternoon routine. Our days often start with a whirlwind of activity and before we know it, we’re closing the laptop completely exhausted and ready to drown the stress of the day in a big bowl of pasta. Or maybe that’s just me?

I recently established a solid morning routine and by starting my day calmly, in the same way, each day, I am more focused and joyful and have less anxiety, especially around my work.

Similarly, by closing out my day with a similar routine, I leave my (home) office feeling accomplished, calm, and ready to take on the next day with peace and ease.

Are you ready to bring more peace, calm, and joy into your leadership?

Here’s how to do it:

1. Morning

  • Get up at the same time each day, preferably early (Why early? Check this out.)
  • Spend at least ten minutes quietly journaling, reading, or meditating
  • Don’t touch your phone or computer until you’re done

2. Afternoon

  • Plan tomorrow’s priorities and ensure they’re aligned with your big picture goals
  • Update your to-do list accordingly, then cross at least one thing off
  • Clean off your desk. Remove empty cups, stray post-its, and put everything in its place

As busy leaders changing the world, we think we don’t have time for luxurious self-care but all it takes is a few intentional actions each day to take care of ourselves better. As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
