Here’s what my CEO day looks like

A couple weeks ago I posted just four things to do each month to practically guarantee you rock your goals this year. Have you implemented your CEO day and these four action items yet?

Today I want to share with you behind the scenes of my own CEO day, so you can get a feel for how easy AND impactful it can be! Let’s crank up the Vivaldi (my get-it-done music of choice) and focus on the numbers.

First up: Complete my bookkeeping. Since I’m a numbers gal, I do all of my own bookkeeping in Quickbooks Online. And since I’m a complete nerd, I usually do my bookkeeping the moment my bank statements are available which is the first of the month.

Next up: Run my reports and update my forecast. (There are actual numbers in mine, don’t worry!) Using this template, I can easily see my revenue and expenses by month AND totaled for the whole year. As of the end of June, I’m still on track to meet my 2019 revenue goals but I’m hoping to decrease my expenses a bit – I made a TON of investments into the business last year and I’d like to increase my profit margin this year. One thing I’m excited about? I’m totally caught up on quarterly tax payments so far this year – last year I delayed them because, ICK, taxes.

Finally: I update my projections for the rest of the year. I’m able to see now that if I want to meet my 2019 revenue goals, I will need to ramp up my revenue starting in July.

And a bonus! I also use this time to look at other metrics in my business, including my number of email subscribers, email open rates, prospect pipeline, and Facebook ad performance. I have set aside this time to focus on the health of my business, and I encourage you to do the same, whatever the most important metrics in your organization may be.

If you need a tool to help you create a CEO day like mine, grab your FREE Profit Playbook here.
