Unlocking Insights: 2023 Journal Reflection Prompts

If you love to use the end of the year to reflect and plan (then we should be BFFs because I do too!), I have a few questions that may guide your reflection time and help you strategize for next year.

Here are some questions and prompts for journaling and reflection:
  1. Write down a few wins (personal and professional) for every month of 2023. Use your calendar, your planner, your email, your photos to help you remember back to each month of 2023. Notice what happened in the months prior to the wins too.
  2. What new things have entered your life in 2023 that you’re grateful for?
  3. When did you feel most at peace?
  4. How did you show up for yourself well?
Now thinking about what felt sticky or clunky or just plain bad…
  1. What are you ready to leave behind?
  2. How can you show up for yourself better?
  3. How can you show up better for those around you?
  4. What can you be more consistent with?

And thinking ahead to 2024…
  1. What big changes do you anticipate? How can you prepare?
  2. What do you want your life to look like in one year?
  3. What are the things, people, or situations you want to invite in?

And of course, once I’ve journaled my heart out, I love to take a look at my numbers and see how my income statement stacks up against my wins and challenges.
  1. Does our revenue reflect what went well?
  2. Did we invest (i.e. spend money) in a way that felt aligned with our goals?
  3. What fundraising strategies got results and what can we leave behind as we enter 2024?
