You’re going to hate this idea

Okay, friend.

I’m going to share a time when I had hit a wall.

I was trying to schedule an important meeting and the only time that was free was in the evenings after my girls were in bed. I ended every single day with a longer to-do list than when I started and I dreaded clicking that Zoom link yet again.

Intentionally working “after hours” was never part of my business plan.

My schedule had become filled with things that I didn’t like doing and that I wasn’t good at, and I knew something had to change.

Instead of metaphorically burning the whole business down (although I threatened it!), I decided to track my time for a few weeks and see where it was going!

Here’s the thing:

Time is an input to results.

We all want results, like hitting a certain revenue goal or serving a certain number of people. There are things we can do to help those results along, and spending our time is one input to our results.

So I looked back at my calendar for the previous five months to categorize and assess exactly where my time was going.

The results?

I spent about 2.5 days a week on calls! I got instant clarity on why I was feeling crunched.

Are you feeling the calendar crunch too? I suggest you do a time study!

Just like analyzing your finances is worthless unless you’re going to use the information to make smart decisions, the time study was pointless unless I actually did something about it.

I started batching calls, blocking time for no-meeting days, and adding rest and creative work time into my schedule so my weeks were more conducive to achieving my goals.

Are you investing your time in what activities will get you closest to your goals?

PS – Your weekly schedule should be a direct reflection of your biggest goals, so make sure that your time is spent on your goals!

Follow along on Instagram to see how my weeks look >>> @stephanie.skry
