Shaping your week to achieve your vision

I tend to take on a lot, sometimes intentionally because I am driven and thrive on being super busy and engaged, but also sometimes unintentionally.

I’ve told my mastermind group recently that my cup is full, and one or two more drops would make it overflow. While the strong Type A in me gets giddy at the thought of having a packed schedule and a million to-dos just waiting to be checked off, I’ve started to feel that chest tightness that means my life is just a tad too stressful right now.

One of the things I’ve done this year to help take my business to the next level is surround myself with inspirational women and men who have achieved the balance I desire – a highly successful business combined with a life of meaning and plenty of time for family and friends.

Three particular things these wise people have said stuck out to me, all this week!

“Get crystal clear on your goals and don’t do anything that doesn’t serve that.” Lewis Howes

How do I apply it? Ahem, anyone else’s calendar a hot mess? I tend to over-schedule myself and not leave enough time blocked off for creativity and big projects, and the busy work is not going to help me achieve my ten year vision.

The first step I see so many leaders neglect is defining the ten year vision. If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know what actions will or won’t lead you there?! I’m working on defining this vision now, then comparing my calendar against it and declining anything that doesn’t align. Feels good!

We want to be great but we don’t have a plan for greatness.” Jasmine Star

How do I apply it? You’re a visionary leader and want to do amazing things but don’t know how to get started and execute. We get stuck in our own heads, overwhelmed, and nervous that we don’t know what we don’t know, all because we don’t have a plan for this visionary greatness.

Of course, she was talking about social media planning and strategy, but I see this in the leaders I work with all the time. Either they have a huge vision for impact in their organization but lack the critical financial management skills necessary to make their greatness a reality, OR they lack that strategic direction and vision necessary to make the impact they want.

Use Monday as a day to set the tone for the week. Inspired by Kira Stokes

How do I apply it? Of course, Kira was talking about never missing a Monday workout, this can be applied to everything in your life. When we think of Monday as the January 1st of each week, we enter the week with new inspiration, motivation, and drive.

So each Monday, review your calendar for the week and ensure every single appointment gets you a step forward on your goals, create a to-do list of meaningful action items that contribute to your vision, and of course, get that workout in!

Who do you surround yourself with to be inspired and motivated? Do you have a vision for your organization that you shape your work around?
