How Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Unlocks Growth and Impact I've come across two separate blog posts recently talking about a conversation between Warren Buffet and his pilot about goals. The TL;DR version is that Warren Buffett asked the pilot ...
Your top budget questions answered
October is when lots of organizations begin their final Q4 push and start crafting their 2017 budgets so I thought I would answer some frequently asked budget questions. Before we even get started with any numbers, let's tackle a couple big picture que ...
Mind Mapping for Type A’s
I am a list person through and through. I have notebooks filled with neatly lined pages, precise handwriting in only black or blue ink (NEVER pencil - the horror!), and nary a doodle in sight. You could say with strong confidence, just by looking at my no ...
3 Ways to Tackle Interruptions
Abila (accounting and other software creator) recently did a study of trends and challenges facing nonprofit professionals which also apply to our social enterprise and entrepreneur friends. Has anyone out there ever done any task outside of your funct ...