I love the saying: Where your attention goes, energy flows. We want to put our energy into the right things to get maximum results with minimum wasted time. No entrepreneurs (especially those with kiddos) can afford to be wasting a single second righ ...
Interview with the Speak to Scale Podcast with Jessica Rasdall
We recently chatted with Jessica Rasdall of the Speak to Scale Podcast on the challenges and tasks entrepreneur's need to be performing to ensure you’re remaining solvent at the end of the day. No one likes to talk about all of the fears, uncertainti ...
The grass really IS greener on the other side
Are you a victim of bad bookkeeping? Perhaps you don’t have timely financials to review, your numbers aren’t tied up with a bow for your accountant or auditor, or maybe you’re staring down the barrel at thousands of uncategorized transactions, paraly ...
3 metrics to help you soar
It’s November and that means we’re in the home stretch, my friends! All of you purpose-driven leaders are probably thinking about finishing up the next eight weeks to enjoy a few days of rest and relaxation with family at the end of the year. What I ...
Free resource list!
As I wind down my month of celebration, I’m still in a little bit of shock that this business, dreamed up in a windowless office at a very boring job, has taken on the life that it has, thanks in no small part, to our tribe of purpose-driven leaders. A qu ...
How Increasing Nonprofit Transparency Increases Donations
Guidestar, the neutral database of all nonprofit organizations in the US with revenue over $200k, recently published a study that demonstrated that organizations who provided better and more information to stakeholders raised substantially more money in s ...
Top 10 Money Resources to Save Time and Grow Your Bottom Line
I get asked all the time for the tried-and-true tools that help me run my business efficiently and can help you too, no matter what type of organization you’re running. I've compiled a list of the tools I use every single day both in my business and with ...
How to Pay Yourself Consistently
I have a confession to make. I used to be scared of spending money, including paying myself. My consulting practice was consistently bringing in a few thousand dollars a month and I was terrified of taking any money out for myself, for fear that I w ...
How Nonprofit Transparency = More Donations
I just finished reading Thirst, by Scott Harrison, the founder of Charity: Water. It’s a fabulous book that reads like a novel and tells the story of Scott’s personal journey to creating Charity: Water, and all of the bumps and setbacks he encountered alo ...
How Nonprofit Leaders Can Adopt a Growth Mindset
Have you seen the pretty scary statement from the Nonprofit Times that “most charities are teetering on financial peril”? According to this 2018 study, 50% of organizations, created to do more good in the world and serve those in need, are disappearing, ...