
You don’t have to go it alone!

Have your wheels been turning about finding a better balance for your business and your family since you read my last blog post?

Have you been thinking about how you too can bust through your revenue ceiling, ditch the nitty-gritty work, service your clients even better, and spend MORE time with your family?

If you’re a high-achieving business owner who’s ready to scale, THIS IS FOR YOU!

Let’s Amplify Your Agency!

Amplify is a one-on-one coaching program for entrepreneurs who are ready and excited to grow, but overwhelmed with where to begin.

Click here to learn more and apply! >>>

During our six months together, we will:

  1. Clearly define your goals.
  2. Create an achievable road map to accomplishment.
  3. Help you step into the CEO role.
  4. Provide loving and consistent accountability.

Let’s Amplify Your Agency together!

>> Head here to fill out the application and learn more! <<

I cannot wait to work closely with you this year to work fewer hours, make more money, and regain that freedom you made the leap for. Let’s AMPLIFY!


The biggest game-changer in my life and biz

In the past five years, I’ve built a business from a tiny idea to serving dozens of clients around the globe and creating a sustainable lifestyle and income for my growing family.

It hasn’t always been easy and I haven’t done it alone. As a Type A, Enneagram 3 (“The Achiever”) it’s hard for me to ask for or accept any type of help. I’m fiercely independent and my natural instinct is to go it alone (true story: I used to ask college professors to do group projects by myself, citing a myriad of reasons but mostly just preferring to work alone).

When my first daughter was a newborn, I hated accepting meals from family and friends because I thought it threatened my sense of accomplishment. Why shouldn’t I be able to make fresh homemade meals every day AND keep a tiny human alive?! I learned quickly that I needed the help and couldn’t have been more grateful to have hot, homemade meals available when I was so exhausted.

On the business side of things, the biggest game-changer for me has been hiring a coach.

Five years ago, I had no clue what I was doing. I Googled everything. I didn’t know how to take my business from overwhelm to sustainable.

I debated buying a course or attending a conference but craved one-on-one support. Because I had limited time already, I needed advice tailored to me and me alone!

Investing in several coaches over five years, I’ve gained:

A community. A coach becomes a tribe to reach out to, no matter how challenging my day, for advice, support, or encouragement. She’s been there and done that in a way that my team hasn’t. I’ve been given the confidence and clarity to make the toughest and most important decisions for my business and life with this tribe behind me.

Accountability. It’s so easy to toss ideas around with biz besties or our spouses, but let the ideas disappear into the ether. Coaches have helped me turn those ideas into reality. For example, I’d thought for months about adding to my team but I feared letting go. My coach provided the push I needed to make it happen.

Fresh perspective. Coaches have given me permission and ability to think bigger. Left to our own devices, we are all inclined to play small and slow. When I envisioned my business model looking the exact same in five years from now, my coach called me out for playing small.

Coaches have helped take me from overwhelmed to oh-so-balanced. AND I now have the confidence and skill to think bigger than I ever have. I’m pretty sure you can’t place a price tag on that.

Do you have a mentor or a coach? How has it changed your business or life? Let me know in the comments.

Did you know that I offer one on one coaching? Click here to learn more about my Amplify Coaching Program.


One Tiny Change

Last week I shared three of my favorite books in 2019 and how they made an impact on my life and business (and we have a fun giveaway running – enter at the end of this post to win copies of these books!) Little things, like reading a handful of good books, add up to big things, like changing how I think, act, and run my business. We don’t always need walk on the moon-level goals!

So today I wanted to share with you a simple change I’ve made that has significantly improved my balance, inner peace, and leadership ability:

Establishing a morning and afternoon routine

I don’t know about you, but my days often start with a whirlwind of activity and before I know it, eight hours have passed and I’m closing the laptop completely exhausted and ready to drown the stress of the day in a big bowl of pasta.

By starting and closing my days with a similar routine, I enter and leave my (home) office feeling accomplished, calm, focused, and ready to take on the next day with peace and ease.


  • I get up at the same time each day, early, and before my kids, to eliminate the crazy multi-tasking of getting everyone ready simultaneously
  • I spend at least ten minutes quietly journaling, reading, or meditating to focus my mind
  • I don’t touch my phone or computer until I’m done (most of the time!) to reduce distractions


  • I plan tomorrow’s priorities and ensure they’re aligned with my big picture goals
  • I update my to-do list accordingly, then cross at least one thing off
  • I clean off my desk. Remove empty cups, stray post-its, and put everything in its place

As a busy entrepreneur and mama, these little changes in my daily routine have resulted in a year of:

Focus – I know exactly what needs to be done and when

Growth – I can calmly and deliberately focus on my most important tasks that align with my biggest goals

Balance – I have intentional work and family times and my routines signal the beginning and end of each

What little changes have given you big results?

Have you entered our giveaway yet? Enter for the chance to win three of my favorite books to kick off 2020 with inspiration, clarity, purpose!