episode 59 How to Grow Your Business with Tiny Offers with Allie Bjerk featured blog post image

Episode 59: Allie Bjerk on How to Grow Your Business with Tiny Offers

episode 59 How to Grow Your Business with Tiny Offers with Allie Bjerk featured blog post image

Oh, my gosh… have I got an amazing episode to share with you this week!

Sharing her insight on the show is none other than visibility strategist, coach, and consultant – Allie Bjerk.

Allie spent years working for corporate web development and internet marketing agencies before launching her business, managing SEO and social media departments, teaching marketing, and training new agency employees.

But everything changed when she became a mom… after the birth of her first baby and a debilitating battle with postpartum anxiety – Allie decided to transform her life and never look back. Now, she lives an adventure and travel-filled life at peace in Northern Minnesota with her husband and three young children.

Allie is passionate about helping women business owners end the hustle, simplify their visibility strategies, and make more money with less stress using what she calls “Tiny Offers.” She’s also a funnel expert and has used her marketing agency experience to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals through programs focused on tiny offers strategies. In other words, she knows her stuff when it comes to growing a business!

So, whether you’re just starting out in business or you’ve been in business for a while and you’re looking to take things to the next level, this episode is for you, my friend.

“Everybody’s time is for sale for the right amount. I guess, for most people, you should be able to get something from them, if you’re willing to pay for it.” – Allie Bjerk

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How Allie Bjerk’s entrepreneurial journey started
  • Why having a healthy mindset is key to gracefully handling your business success
  • What does personal growth have to do with business growth
  • The advantage of taking part of a group program or mastermind
  • Why a well-rounded content marketing strategy is vital to your business’ visibility
  • Allie’s insight on how she balances her role as a mom and an entrepreneur

More resources to help you uplevel your mindset and business:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

Are you feeling stuck with what to do next to manage the money in your business?

Maybe you’ve logged into QuickBooks once or twice, but got instantly overwhelmed. Or you started to set revenue goals, but don’t know where to go from here. Maybe you simply know that managing your numbers is the right thing to do, but you don’t know what that actually means. Don’t worry, friend! I’ve got just the thing.

Managing Your Business Finances Like a CFO is my brand new 10 step checklist that will help you manage your business like a CFO without making it your full time job.


Click here to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a thing!

Click here to read the full transcript.

Episode 58 Your Business is NOT Your Baby with Stephanie Skryzowski featured blog post image 100 degrees of entrepreneurship podcast

Episode 58: Your Business is (NOT) Your Baby

Episode 58 Your Business is NOT Your Baby with Stephanie Skryzowski featured blog post image 100 degrees of entrepreneurship podcast

As your business grows, it’s important to remember that it is NOT your baby. You cannot coddle your business and expect it to thrive – you have to put it to work and make sure that it’s bringing in the $$$$$. But no matter how much pride and joy it brings you, your business is and will always be a separate entity – and should be treated as such.

So, let me say this again:

Your business is not a baby. It should not require your full, undivided attention. A business that needs you this much will lead to burnout – and trust me, nobody wants that. 

Here are three things that we did to take our business from baby to well-oiled machine:


One of the best ways to ensure that your business runs smoothly is to automate as many tasks as possible. This could mean setting up automated emails, automating your social media posts, or using a CRM to automate your sales process. By automating these tasks, you’ll free up time for more important things (you know, like growing your business!).


Another way to take your business to the next level is to make sure you have the right people on your team. This means finding and investing in people with the experience, mindset, and skills necessary to help your business grow. It also means finding people who share your vision and are on board with your company culture.


Finally, it’s important to create a routine for your business. Set aside certain days or times of the day for specific tasks. Create a checklist of tasks that need to be completed like clockwork each day/week/month. Build a routine that helps ensure that no task is overlooked and that your business runs like a fuel-efficient race car.

So, when you get the urge to treat your business as you would an adorable, precious, and demanding baby…

You need to remind yourself, that your business is an organization that’s composed of highly capable individuals. Remember its purpose: to bring you time and financial freedom, serve your audience, and hopefully, make the world a better place.

P.S. Are you ready to un-baby your business yet? Tune in to this week’s episode for the full scoop on how we used these 3 strategies to transform 100 Degrees into the thriving 7-figure business that it is today!

“Do you really want your business to be your baby? Demanding, needy, full of responsibilities that only you can fulfill. That’s a hard no, right? I don’t want a business that needs me 24/7 to make it happy.” – Stephanie Skryzowski

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why we need to stop coddling our businesses
  • The 3 things we did that helped turn the business from needy baby to well-oiled machine

More resources to help you uplevel your mindset and business:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

Are you feeling stuck with what to do next to manage the money in your business?

Maybe you’ve logged into QuickBooks once or twice, but got instantly overwhelmed. Or you started to set revenue goals, but don’t know where to go from here. Maybe you simply know that managing your numbers is the right thing to do, but you don’t know what that actually means. Don’t worry, friend! I’ve got just the thing.

Managing Your Business Finances Like a CFO is my brand new 10 step checklist that will help you manage your business like a CFO without making it your full time job.


Click here to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a thing!

Click here to read the full transcript.

3 Things To Do in Quickbooks Every Month featured blog post image for podcast episode 57

Episode 57: 3 Things To Do in Quickbooks Every Month

3 Things To Do in Quickbooks Every Month featured blog post image for podcast episode 57

In this episode, we’re going to be talking about the three things you should do every month in Quickbooks. These are really important things to keep on top of, in order to make sure that your business finances are in good shape. But don’t worry, I won’t get all technical here! In fact, if you listen to this episode, you’ll find out that tracking your numbers doesn’t take quite as much time as you think it does.

Here’s a brief overview of how your monthly Quickbook habit should look like:

1. Make sure that all of your bank accounts and credit cards associated with your business are integrated to your Quickbooks. Doing so will help you keep track of your numbers more efficiently.

2. Reconcile your bank accounts. The data that’s in your Quickbooks and your bank account should match.

Something I learned the hard way was that Quickbooks isn’t quite as smart as it thinks it is. Sometimes it will categorize items wrong, sometimes it might even duplicate things by mistake. So, make it a habit to go through your transactions and add in the details on what those transactions were. This will ensure that the numbers on both end are accurate.

3. Don’t forget to run your reports! Look at your Profit and Loss statements and your balance sheet every single month. This allows you to monitor and assess your company’s assets and liabilities.

So, really… there’s barely any math involved here since Quickbooks does most of it for you. All you need to do now is to run your Quickbooks account (at least once every month) update it with your month’s numbers, and review the reports.

Want to learn more on the steps I take to implement these three things for my business and as well as my clients? Make sure you tune in to this episode! I’ll go over each one in detail and explain how it can help you keep your business finances in check. Promise, it’s not as daunting as it sounds!

“Quickbooks can help you get some really good insight into your business finances, if it’s used correctly and timely.” – Stephanie Skryzowski

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why debt is not all that bad
  • How to tell if you’re ready (or not ready) for business debt
  • Things you can do to lower the potential risks that come with business debt

More resources to help you manage your finances more efficiently:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

Are you feeling stuck with what to do next to manage the money in your business?

Maybe you’ve logged into QuickBooks once or twice, but got instantly overwhelmed. Or you started to set revenue goals, but don’t know where to go from here. Maybe you simply know that managing your numbers is the right thing to do, but you don’t know what that actually means. I’ve got you covered!

Managing Your Business Finances Like a CFO is my brand new 10 step checklist that will help you manage your business like a CFO without making it your full time job.

It’s FREE so make sure you download it now!


Click here to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a thing!

Click here to read the full transcript.

Should You Take on Business Debt featured blog post image for podcast episode 56

Episode 56: Should You Take on Business Debt?

Should You Take on Business Debt featured blog post image for podcast episode 56

“Is it ever okay to take on debt in my business? Should I get a loan? Should I use a credit card in my business?”

A lot of financial gurus will say that any debt is bad, but I don’t believe that to be true. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t gone to undergrad and grad school, and in order for me to do that, I needed to take on student loans.

Now, everybody has their own personal opinion on debt, and I’m not judging your decisions. I’m not here to tell you your way is right or wrong. After all, there is a time and a place for debt in your life and in your business.

But regardless of your approach when it comes to making these decisions, one thing’s for sure: WE NEED TO USE BUSINESS LOANS RESPONSIBLY.

In this episode, I share my thoughts on business debt and offer useful tips on how to use debt responsibly in your business.

“Overspending often leads to taking on debt with a false hope that this magical cash influx is going to change your habits and solve all of your problems.” – Stephanie Skryzowski

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why debt is not all that bad
  • How to tell if you’re ready (or not ready) for business debt
  • Things you can do to lower the potential risks that come with business debt

More resources to help improve your finance habits:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

You hear me talk all the time about how important it is to know your numbers as a business owner. But you may be thinking, well, how in the world do I do that? Where do I even begin? So, I have a free resource for you!

The Profit Playbook is an amazing template that you spend about 15 minutes getting it all set up. And you can literally see into the future of your business revenue, expenses, cash flow, just like a crystal ball. It is a huge resource that will absolutely help you create a roadmap to reach your goals in your business.

It’s FREE so make sure you download it now!


Click here to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a thing!

Click here to read the full transcript.

Monthly Finance Habits for better numbers in 2022

Monthly Finance Habits for Better Numbers in 2022

Monthly Finance Habits for better numbers in 2022

Monthly finance habits aren’t just about looking at the numbers – they’re also about changing behaviors to proactively make smarter decisions that will ultimately affect your bottom line! You should know what you made, spent and saved every single month so you can understand how your business is doing.

Because here’s the #truth:

There is such a thing as a bad surprise, especially when it comes to your business finances.


Every month, you’re feeling better and better about your business’s progress.

You’re making more sales than the previous month and even started growing your subscriber list!

But then it happens: A surprise that ruins everything.

You get slapped with a problematic charge or lose out on some additional revenue because of an oversight in billing. The news weighs heavily on your shoulders. How could this possibly happen? Everything was going so well!

Was it an oversight because of poor forecasting, with you not accounting for this possible charge?

Perhaps you fell short in some area of your business? Or maybe the competition was more aggressive than you thought they would be?

Things like this happen in business, but there’s one thing you can always do to keep your financial outlook clear:

Make your goals a monthly habit.

Not quarterly. 

Not annually. 


If you want to stay on top of your business finances, then you need to keep an eye on how much cash you have in the bank EVERY MONTH.

If you want to stay ahead of your taxes, then you need to make sure you are tracking how much money your business made EVERY MONTH.

If you want to stay on top of your bills, etc., then you need to make sure that sales are forecasted EVERY SINGLE MONTH (preferably before the end of the month).

It’s easy to get sidetracked with so many responsibilities, so proper planning is vital to keep your business running smoothly.

Click here to learn more about how you can start designing your own monthly finance routine.

Making your financial goals part of your monthly habit means doing the following:

You can take control of your business finances by implementing good + consistent monthly finance habits. And it’s not as hard as you think! Here are 3 monthly habits that you can start practicing today.

1. Do your bookkeeping.

Updating your books should be done at the end of every month or even weekly, if you’re a solopreneur. Review your bank statements and reconcile them. Make sure the numbers add up!

You can read more about how to do better bookkeeping here: How to Improve Your Bookkeeping in Three Steps

2. Review your Profit & Loss statement and key metrics.

A monthly P&L review will help you make sure your income is growing and that you’re on track to achieving your financial goals.

Here’s a simple way of doing it:

  • Take a look at the numbers for last month.
  • Is it higher or lower than what was forecasted?
  • If they’re higher, then great! This means that your business is making more money than anticipated.
  • If those numbers are lower, though…it could mean that projections were off or that something unexpected happened (e.g., a client backed out from a project).

In either case, this would be an opportunity to dig into the details and find out where things really went wrong so you can do better next month.

Check out this podcast episode where I talk about what goes on behind-the-scenes of a CFO meeting, what’s a P&L statement, and how measuring this metric is key to better forecasts: https://100degreesconsulting.com/episode-34/

3. Don’t forget to update your projections for the rest of the year.

Forecasting is every entrepreneur’s best friend. That’s why you need to make sure your numbers are forecasted every single month!

Doing so will help you figure out how much cash you need to have in the bank NEXT MONTH before everything else comes up (like taxes). We usually do this BEFORE the end of every month.

If you’re having trouble with this concept, start SUPER small – maybe use 2-3 months’ worth of expenses as a benchmark. Then grow that number slowly over time until you find something that feels comfortable for your business. That way, you not only prepare for them, but also help ensure your bank account has enough cash to cover even surprise expenses.

Questions to ask yourself when forecasting:

  • How much can you spend next month?
  • 2 months from now?
  • 3 months from now?
  • What are the specific expenses that need to be accounted for BEFORE they come up?

It all comes down to this: If you don’t plan ahead and make your financial goals a MONTHLY HABIT, then you won’t achieve them no matter how big or small they are.


Set financial goals that are measurable and timely. If you want to reach $500k in sales by year-end, then break down how many sales per month it will take to get there.

Set realistic expectations, so you don’t sabotage your progress. Let’s say you want to grow your clientele by 10% each month. If that doesn’t seem possible, then adjust the goal accordingly: 5%, 7%, etc.

Perform an inventory count to make sure you don’t run out of any supplies, you have enough hours to complete a project, etc.


Proper planning is necessary to keep things running smoothly behind-the-scenes.

In order for you to achieve your goals, have a monthly finance habit that includes:

  1. Doing your bookkeeping.
  2. Reviewing your Profit & Loss statement and key metrics.
  3. Updating your projections for the rest of the year.

By working these three things into YOUR monthly routine ahead of time, they’ll become second nature. Before long, instead of feeling stressed about it all, you’ll know what is coming each month so there’s no “surprise!” when it comes to your business’s numbers.

Growing Your Wealth Mindset with Natalie Bullen featured blog post image

Episode 55: Growing Your Wealth Mindset with Natalie Bullen

Growing Your Wealth Mindset with Natalie Bullen featured blog post image

If you’re looking to grow your wealth mindset, then you’ve got to hear about Natalie Bullen of Unapologetic Wealth.

Natalie is a financial advisor who has made the jump to full-time entrepreneur! So, you can bet your money that she can navigate her way around wealth and the mindset necessary to grow it. But first, here’s some juicy details about Natalie and how she’s serving entrepreneurs around the world…

Natalie Bullen is the CEO and Founder of Unapologetic Wealth, a coaching and consulting firm that helps women, especially women of color, step into the wealth that they deserve and desire. She also owns and leads Unapologetic Wealth Management, a soon to be financial advisory firm, where she works with people one-on-one as their financial planner – to actually give them the tactical steps to grow and protect their wealth. 

In this episode, we explore how to grow our wealth mindset and why it’s so important. Natalie shares her own story of becoming a full-time entrepreneur as well as tips on how to improve your wealth mindset. We also dive deep into what generational wealth is and why it’s important for business owners to start thinking about it.

There’s so much to unpack in this episode. Just SOOO much amazing insights on wealth, mindset, and business. You really don’t want to miss this!

“You should be wary of anybody who pitches themselves as like the magic bullet to your money.” – Natalie Bullen

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Natalie Bullen from financial advisor to full-time entrepreneur
  • The difference between financial advice vs accounting vs bookkeeping
  • Why being rich is a lot like getting married
  • Tips on how to improve your wealth mindset
  • Exploring how we feel about money growing up
  • What is generational wealth
  • How can we start thinking about generational wealth as business owners
  • Why getting yourself insured and setting up your will is vital for protecting and growing your generational wealth
  • Natalie’s marketing strategy and how to emulate it

Links mentioned in this episode:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

You hear me talk all the time about how important it is to know your numbers as a business owner. But you may be thinking, well, how in the world do I do that? Where do I even begin? So, I have a free resource for you!

The Profit Playbook is an amazing template that you spend about 15 minutes getting it all set up. And you can literally see into the future of your business revenue, expenses, cash flow, just like a crystal ball. It is a huge resource that will absolutely help you create a roadmap to reach your goals in your business.

It’s FREE so make sure you download it now!


Click here to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a thing!

Click here to read the full transcript.

Episode 54 How to Handle Failure in Business featured blog post image

Episode 54: How to Handle Failure in Business

Episode 54 How to Handle Failure in Business featured blog post image

Everybody wants to give us advice on how to succeed, but rarely do we get taught how to handle failure in business. And I think, this is where most entrepreneurs end up quitting. They’re quitting their business because they don’t know how to handle failure and they opt for the next non-business adventure.

And really, it’s a shame because failure isn’t the end. It is a new beginning and if you choose to frame it that way, you’re going to find success in any situation.

Successful entrepreneurs don’t succeed in spite of failing, but rather, they succeed because they have failed in their past ventures. Failing helped them learn what needed to be done better, what needed to be adjusted, and kept going.

And that’s the thing! A lot of times when we think we’re failing, but it’s mostly because we’re measuring ourselves against someone else’s success.


So, how can we fail better? How can we be mindful when faced with situations that make us want to give up completely?

Join me in this episode, as I share my insight on how to handle failure in business!

Let’s talk about how a CFO can help you understand industry benchmarks and apply it in your own business or organization.

“A lot of times when we think we’re failing, it’s only because we’re measuring ourselves against someone else’s success.” – Stephanie Skryzowski

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Why you need to focus on your own metrics
  • How a CFO can help you understand your metrics for better outcomes
  • Why failing isn’t as bad as you think it is

Links mentioned in this episode:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

You hear me talk all the time about how important it is to know your numbers as a business owner. But you may be thinking, well, how in the world do I do that? Where do I even begin? So, I have a free resource for you!

The Profit Playbook is an amazing template that you spend about 15 minutes getting it all set up. And you can literally see into the future of your business revenue, expenses, cash flow, just like a crystal ball. It is a huge resource that will absolutely help you create a roadmap to reach your goals in your business.

It’s FREE so make sure you download it now!


Click here to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a thing!

Click here to read the full transcript.

Episode 53 Using Intuition & Numbers to Make Decisions with Shay Brown Bucketlist Bombshells featured blog post image

Episode 53: Using Intuition & Numbers to Make Decisions with Shay Brown | Bucketlist Bombshells

Episode 53 Using Intuition & Numbers to Make Decisions with Shay Brown Bucketlist Bombshells featured blog post image

As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves in situations where our intuition is saying something LOUD and CLEAR, but our brain will try to rationalize or overthink scenarios to the point of second-guessing ourselves. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who are new to being at the helm of their businesses. After all, there’s just some things we have to learn through real life experience, right?

So, how do you find that sweet spot? You know, where you listen to your gut without giving your brain a panic attack?


That’s right! You can forecast and make reasonably accurate predictions to help you  make bold, yet calculated moves. And it only takes a little bit of effort and some math (yes, MATH… there, I said it) to get you there.

Joining me in this episode to share her thoughts on intuition, numbers, and getting things done is my dear friend and fellow entrepreneur, Shay Brown from The Bucketlist Bombshells.

Shay Brown is the Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer at Bucketlist Bombshells. Shay has a degree in entrepreneurship, a knack for business operations, sales strategy and mentorship. So, it’s no surprise her passion for women starting their own companies is what gets her out of bed every morning and ready to work!

Now, Bucketlist Bombshells is a multi-million dollar business education company, where Shay and her Business Partner and Co-founder – Cassie Torrecillas are business strategists and educators for the next generation of female entrepreneurs.

Together, they teach and support more than 100,000 women around the world with foundational skills + provide them with a roadmap to success. That’s because Shay and Cassie believe that a career designed to prioritize joy, adventure, and purpose is achievable for all women without sacrificing financial stability.

Now, who would have thought that these two Millennials would trade traveling the world on a backpackers budget for a global success story? And all from a laptop in the corner of a coffee shop?! 

Seriously, this was such an amazing conversation full of golden nuggets!

So, make sure you tune in to learn all about Shay Brown’s thoughts on entrepreneurship, how to use intuition and numbers to make decisions, why forecasting is an indispensable tool and how it can help perfectionists get unstuck.

“Forecasting are reasonable assumptions. I can reasonably assume that I will hit these profit targets, because this is based on historical data.” – Shay Brown

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Shay Brown shares the Bucketlist Bombshells origin story
  • Forecasting tips for recovering perfectionists
  • How to use your historical data to reasonably peer into the future
  • Understanding your season: growth vs stability

Links mentioned in this episode:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

You hear me talk all the time about how important it is to know your numbers as a business owner. But you may be thinking, well, how in the world do I do that? Where do I even begin? So, I have a free resource for you!

The Profit Playbook is an amazing template that you spend about 15 minutes getting it all set up. And you can literally see into the future of your business revenue, expenses, cash flow, just like a crystal ball. It is a huge resource that will absolutely help you create a roadmap to reach your goals in your business.

It’s FREE so make sure you download it now!


Click here to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a thing!

Click here to read the full transcript.

How to Build Good Money Habits That Stick featured blog post image

How to Build Good Money Habits That Stick

How to Build Good Money Habits That Stick blog post banner

I get asked this question a lot…  “Stephanie, how do you make good money habits stick?”

The truth is, our brain cannot differentiate a good habit from a bad one, and this is why it’s hard to break long-standing habits.

For example, if you’ve been so used to NOT doing your books until the last minute, then chances are you’re going to keep repeating this same pattern.

But this is not to say that we have to stay stuck in this cycle and put up with habits that no longer serve us!

As with anything you want to change, the first step is to acknowledge your patterns, and understand where they come from. Once you understand the root of your pattern, you can start shifting to something else that works better for you.

So if you’re someone who’s not a huge fan of math or numbers, think about when did this feeling first show up? What created it? And then let that guide you to create a new money mindset for yourself.

Here are some helpful tips on how to break old habits and develop good money habits instead:

  1. Make them easy

Something that is difficult to achieve rarely sticks. The best way to create a habit? Decide how you want to feel and take steps towards getting there, little by little. It doesn’t have to be a huge lifestyle overhaul.

Everything doesn’t need to get done immediately.  Focus on ease and start with one, manageable step at a time, like just coding your transactions in QuickBooks once a week. Even the smallest of good habits will make you feel good when it’s done!

  1. Reward yourself

Rewards are awesome for reinforcing new habits! Try giving yourself a small reward for your efforts each day – maybe take yourself out for a nice meal after crushing your to-do list, or give yourself an hour to read in the evening when you’ve finished your day’s work.

Make that reward enticing enough to get you through the initial hard work – like including that course you’ve been eyeing in your financial plan for the year!

  1. Turn your goals into habits

The secret to achieving goals is assimilating them into your routine, that way it’s easier to break down that big goal into little steps, and you can create momentum more sustainably. 

For example:

  • Intentionally go for a walk every day after work – it’s something your brain will automatically make you want to do, instead of making you feel guilty about not exercising.
  • If your goal is to be more intentional with your spending, set a reminder in your calendar to check your bank balance each morning before you open your email. 
  1. Buddy up

The best way to reinforce good habits is by surrounding yourself with other people who will hold you accountable for your new behaviors. This means people who likely already emulate the behavior you are trying to form. (Ahem, we have just the solution for you in the Purpose & Profit Collective!)

You see, our brains are not thrilled when we suddenly change things – it’s the same with the people around you. If they are not ready or not fully supportive of the change you’re making, they may inadvertently sabotage your attempts at sticking to your new habit.

So, surrounding yourself with a supportive circle of colleagues, friends, coaches, and mentors will help a lot!

  1. Track your progress

We’re visual creatures and we like to see our progress. This is why we tend to only see the end result and not acknowledge how far we’ve come. Track your progress so you can see your achievements, even if they seem small right now.

My favorite way to track progress is in our Profit Playbook – you enter your forecast for the year, then your actuals each month so you can easily compare how you did to what you planned. 

  1. Make them relevant

Trying to create good money habits when we’re not even clear on what we value and prioritize is like starting work on a project without any understanding of the objectives.

Start by getting clear on your values, priorities and your ideal business and lifestyle. Then you can build your financial plan and habits to suit them. What are some common pitfalls that get in the way of you achieving what you want?

  1. Plan for failure

Let’s be honest, even the most well-meaning plans tend to go awry. When you do slip up – like getting behind on your bookkeeping or not using your forecast every month – don’t beat yourself up over it. Make a slight course correction and get right back on track.

It will take some time for your new habits to feel natural, but don’t give up before you’ve given yourself the chance to make them stick!

  1. Get comfortable with discomfort

Change can be scary and will likely cause some sort of internal resistance – that’s totally normal! 

After all, your brain is programmed for survival which translates into always trying to stay on top of things.

This is why “you should always do what you are afraid of” doesn’t work. Our minds are quick to notice when things are out of the ordinary, so doing something new will immediately trigger stress or discomfort.

So instead, start small and gain your confidence before tackling bigger things.


Building good money habits that stick requires you to be thoughtful and intentional about what new behaviors you want to develop.

Identify your goals, set up a plan to track and monitor your progress and form supportive relationships with like-minded individuals. When you do slip up or it feels like an uphill battle, remember – slow and steady wins the race!


The Best Morning and Afternoon Routines for Ease and Efficiency featured blog post image

Episode 52: The Best Morning and Afternoon Routines for Ease and Efficiency

The Best Morning and Afternoon Routines for Ease and Efficiency featured blog post image

I’ve been getting this question lately, and so I felt compelled to share my daily routine for ease and efficiency!

As an Enneagram 3 (and a Capricorn at that!), routine and plans are my love language. I love it when my mind is clear on the objective and my steps are all meticulously laid out for maximum efficiency.

But anyone with a small child would agree that it’s quite a miracle to actually go through a perfectly planned routine! Like, it’s almost as if they have a sixth sense that fires up when you’re trying to do something without them.

I used to be the person who wakes up at 5AM, meditate, and have my cup of tea in peace. In my ideal world, that would be how my mornings would play out. That has not been the case recently and I felt like it’s important that we talked about these things simply because there seems to be this misconception that if you don’t have a productive morning routine, then you’re lazy and the day is wasted.

I know, I know. I need to make time or else I’m never going to do it, but that’s just not possible for a lot of people in lots of different reasons and phases in their life.

And so, I wanted to share this episode to give you a sneak peek into how I go about my day and all the routines that worked best + stuck with me the most!


  1. Wake up before my kids.
  2. Do some journaling / reading.
  3. Don’t touch my phone.

Afternoons (also my end of the workday):

  1. Try and not schedule meetings until the very last minute of my workday.
  2. Do a final scan of my email and file things away that don’t require my immediate attention.
  3. Check off anything that got done for the day and update due dates, if neeeded.
  4. Tidy up my desk.

Building my business and working from home has been one of the most liberating decisions I’ve made in my life, but it also comes with its own learning moments.

Here are some of the things I’ve learned about routines (and how to do it with ease and efficiency):

  • You can build a routine, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to follow it perfectly every day.
  • Just because you’re not following your routine one day doesn’t mean it’s wasted and you should feel bad about yourself.
  • Routine is something we can work on later down the road, when children get older. And so it’s worth it to not stress about getting one in place today.
  • There are only so many hours in the day and having a routine means you can maximize your time better.
  • The longer you work at something, the easier it becomes.
  • Building routine is a marathon and not a sprint!
  • We have to give ourselves grace for building routine because it takes time to adjust to anything new that comes into our lives.
  • Let go of perfectionism, but focus more on progression.

I hope this episode is helpful for those of you who struggle with building a routine with ease and efficiency! I promise it gets easier with each passing year, but it does require a lot of patience.

If this episode resonated with you at all, go ahead and leave a comment below, or follow me on Instagram and let’s chat!

“Try to be consistent with your morning process and you will go into the day feeling so much lighter and just feeling a lot more at ease.”

– Stephanie Skryzowski

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • What I do to have an easy and efficient morning
  • Some of the things I avoid doing to make my days less stressful

Links mentioned in this episode:


Follow me on Instagram: @stephanie.skry (Tag me in your screenshots of the podcast and I’ll be sure to share!)

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